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● Can consistently set up Coelacanth
● Coelacanth is powerful
● Backup plays such as playing normal Rank 4 Shark and Infernalqueen Salmon if you can’t bring out Coelacanth
● The Extra Deck is very versatile


● Coelacanth dies to any disruption
● Has to make Lavalval Chain on first turn instead of a disruption Xyz
● Drawing the Normal Fish bricks or too many revival/send cards is common
● Can't snowball advantage without Whitefish Salvage


Points: 6
● Buzzsaw Shark: Two Extra Copies
● Lifeless Leaffish: One Extra Copies
● Deeps Coelacanth: One Extra Copy
Whitefish Salvage: One Extra Copy
● Evilswarm Exciton Knight: Half Point
● Torrential Tribute: Half Point

General Strategy:

This deck aims to summon Superancient Deepsea King Coelacanth and use its effect to Special Summon Level 4 Fish Normal monsters. This allows you to go into multiple Rank 4 plays without being hampered by the summon limit. If your Coelacanth gets stopped, you have another boss in the form of Mega Fortress Whale and Rank 4 plays without Coelacanth to keep you going.

To summon Coelacanth, this deck plays cards which send it from the Deck to the Graveyard, such as Peaceful Burial and Foolish Burial, and cards to summon it back from the Graveyard, such as Super Team Buddy Force Unite! and Monster Reborn. 

The deck also uses cards such as Buzzsaw Shark and Rescue Rabbit to summon Lavalval Chain, which sends Ice Barrier, which sends Coelacanth and recovers a starter or extender. Number 60: Dugares the Timeless can then be used to summon back the Coelacanth. In the late game cards such as Lifeless Leaffish which can be summoned off of the effect of Coelacanth and Daigusto Emeral can be used to recycle Fish monsters so Coelacanth's effect can be used again.

Opening Plays:

The first turn will usually be a summon of Lavalval Chain to send Ice Barrier before overlaying into Drill Driver Vespenato and setting backrow. Then, you can banish the Ice Barrier in the opponent’s turn to send Coelacanth and recur the detached material from the Lavalval Chain. 

After that, there will usually be a way to summon back Coelacanth, whether by using Super Team Buddy Force Unite! on a monster revived with Drill Driver Vespenato or Dugares the Timeless. 

You can then use Coelacanth's effect to summon all of your copies of Space Mambo, as it is the weakest Fish, and a copy of 7 Colored Fish. You can also go for Lifeless Leaffish if you want to recur and draw instead of making 2 effect Rank 4s.

For Rank 4 plays, the best one is Tornado Dragon to clear the backrow before committing to a Gem-Knight Pearl for beatdown or another play such as Abyss Dweller if you haven’t used a summon on Coelacanth.


Can consistently set up Coelacanth


Coelacanth is powerful


Backup plays such as playing normal Rank 4 Shark and Infernalqueen Salmon if you can’t bring out Coelacanth


The Extra Deck is very versatile


Coelacanth dies to any disruption

Has to make Lavalval Chain on first turn instead of a disruption Xyz

Drawing the Normal Fish bricks or too many revival/send cards is common

Can't snowball advantage without Whitefish Salvage

Closing Thoughts:

Fish is a great deck for people who enjoy summoning a lot of monsters and Rank 4 spamming. This should be a playable list at the very least, and a rogue tier deck in Trinity at best, just like normal Shark. If the Fish type or Sharks ever get more support, such as a generic search spell or a way to recur resources, it could even be meta in Trinity.

Written by Stephen Harper

Edited by WideWalrus


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