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● Has great removal and disruption tools in Lightning Chidori, Harpie's Hunting Ground, and Cyber Slash Harpie Lady
● Consistent
● Generates tons of advantage quickly


● Weak to disruption
● Can't snowball advantage


Points: 2
● Harpie Perfumer: 2 Extra Copies

General Strategy:

This deck aims to disrupt the opponent going first and clear backrow or monsters going second.

Harpie Perfumer is a powerful card that enables Cyber Slash Harpie Lady or a Rank 4. The best opening search is Elegant Egotist, which can summon your Harpie Lady to make Cyber Slash Harpie Lady or a Rank 4.

Opening Plays:

Going first, you will usually end on Cyber Slash Harpie Lady and some backrow to trigger it. Going second, you can use backrow removal like Harpie's Hunting Ground and Tornado Dragon to clear backrow, and monster removal like Lightning Chidori and Castel to clear threats.


Has great removal and disruption tools in Lightning Chidori, Harpie's Hunting Ground, and Cyber Slash Harpie Lady




Weak to disruption

Can't snowball advantage

Closing Thoughts:

Harpies are a fun strategy in Trinity, but with Harpie's Feather Duster and Harpie's Feather Storm banned, the deck just lacks the power needed to be a meta contender. However, it's a great deck for learning Trinity, as it makes use of Unbound Cards and Normal monsters while almost never needing to play with more than 3 summons.

Written by Stephen Harper


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