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● Resilient to both banishing and destruction removal effects
● Strong options between Xyz Monsters and Main Deck Bosses
● Great archetypal spells and recursion


● No way of getting around Summon Limit elegantly.
● Limited protection effects.
● Disruption and interaction is all based on what generic cards you draw.


Points: 4
● Machina Redeployment: Two Extra Copies
● Machina Overdrive: Extra Copy
● Machina Ruinforce: 1/2 Point
● Evilswarm Exciton Knight: 1/2 Point

General Strategy:
While going first is almost always ideal, with this deck in particular it isn't actually required. The reason being: the playstyle favors they who trade best! Whether on the attack or establishing defenses ultimately doesn't matter, it mostly just boils down to how you're trading value (both card advantage and removal option-wise) against your opponent. If going first, you'll be primarily just searching cards or setting up a formication. If going second, you'll be aiming to tear down a board piece by piece until your opponent's LP comes crashing down. There can be some contingencies required, but a because of the deck being able to recur cards from literally everywhere outside of Face-Down Banished land, some mistakes can be remedied without instantly costing you the game. You also have access to amazing closers in Limiter Removal and Machina Ruinforce to close games in a commanding fashion that is pretty much unrivaled (until you look at some other Machine archetypes in the similar beatdown category).

Combos: This deck focuses primarily on generating value and establishing repeat threats, so combos aren't a focus; however, there are still a few to know by hand- and they're fairly simple to follow too.
- Machina Redeployment (1st Mode): Probably the most ideal combo starter. If pitching any card, you'll want Gearframe and any Machina monster that isn't Unclaspare. I recommend going for Possesstorage when first starting out with the deck or Resavenger if you think you're set and don't need to play into a choke point. Send Fortress or Ruinforce to the GY and decide if you'll go into Gear Gigant X or not. Pick up Ancient Gear Box and use Box to add Infinitrack Anchor Drill to hand. This gives you follow-up with Possesstorage and Anchor Drill into a Rank 4 or 8 of your choosing (by using the Box as a material).
- Machina Redeployment (2nd Mode): If discarding a Machina card, it will depend a great deal on what card was pitched. Most of the time, so long as it wasn't a Spell/Trap nor Ruinforce, you'll want to pick up Possesstorage and Machina Overdrive. Use Possesstorage to bring back the monster discarded and set Overdrive. Use Overdrive to pivot into the options listed in its section just below this one. If you already have access to one of these or are just more comfortable with the deck, feel free to pick up Air Raider (with Overdrive especially as the combo between these two makes it so that you don't even have to lose a monster in the process!) or Defense Perimeter.
- Machina Overdrive: Turn any monster you want into a High Level Machina or Possesstorage. You'll primarily be using this to tag out into Metalcruncher revealing Gearframe, Gear Box, and Flying Pegasus. If you have a Machina in hand, you may consider Air Raider and Irradiator instead. Gearframe offers basically everything, Gear Box gives the same lines mentioned above, and Flying Pegasus and work with Metalcruncher to go into Infinitrack Earth Slicer and break the board wide open.
- Double Headed Anger Knuckle: Go for this with Super Express Bullet Train unless you plan to Link climb. You'll want to keep looping the two together to get free cards back from your GY thanks to Bullet Train's EP effect. If this happens to add back a Gear Box, then you can trigger the effect to search from deck.
- Machina Resavenger: It's a loopable Honest best used aggressively. If lost, simply use Defense Perimeter, Irradiator, or Possesstorage to bring it back to the frontlines.
- Dragonlark Pairen: Harvester and any Level 4 will give you this option. Through this, you'll get two Harvester searches (as you'll detach Harvester during the SP to revive it). Pick up Brutal Dozer and Anchor Drill, unless you have a Discard outlet, then feel free to pivot into Trencher instead. Due to how this card works, it will draw attention to it immediately in order to prevent a cheeky snowball.

Possible Modifications:
Since this archetype as a whole is pretty compact and works so well when communicating with other Machine strategies, the number of options and synergies aren't that limited at all and only continue to improve as the cardpool expands. Some pretty easy inclusions to try are Orcust, Cyber Dragon (w/ Clockwork Night), Revolving Switchyard and some Trains, Gadgets, Crystrons, Ancient Gear, and EARTH Tuners for Naturia Barkion. If aiming a bit more on the spicy side that still boasts some pretty great synergies, feel free to try a Fossil Fusion Package or Mekk-Knights as the Extra Deck isn't all that tight either.


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