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● Diverse, accessible Synchro pool
● Disrupts the opponent on their turn
● Repeatable advantage and GY utility


● Summon limit makes disruption more devastating
● Some routes have big choke points


Points: 3
● Speedroid Terrortop: Two Extra Copies
● Heavy Storm Duster: 1/2 Point
● Titanocider: 1/2 Point

General Strategy:
Synchro Summon! Speedroids are geared aroung setting up a Synchro play every turn, and many have followup in the GY for the following turns. Utilizing cards that gain advantage and search out the best pieces you need will set you up for success on the first turn, and there’s many tools you can use for followup or disruption! You’ll notice that a big majority of the monsters in the deck are WIND, and that’s important for accessing 3 key power cards: Speedroid Dupligate (a strong removal trap), Wynn the Wind Channeler (a powerful searcher for almost any monster in the deck), and Hi-Speedroid Rubber Band Shooter (an extender that gets your Speedroid engine moving even quicker). Experiment with the unique effects of the Speedroids both on field and in the GY and you’ll discover the vast utility they have to offer.

Opening Plays:

Speedroid’s number one opening play revolves around getting to your best playmaker: Speedroid Terrortop. The easiest way is to get it in your opening hand, but can be searched out by Speedroid Scratch or Wynn the Wind Charmer. My favorite card to grab off of Terrortop is Fuki-Modoshi Piper: Normal Summoning it gives you a free “draw” after summoning Terrortop, then lets you toolbox into any level 7 Synchro. F.A. Dawn Dragster to disrupt spells/traps, Clear Wing Fast Dragon to stop extra deck monsters, and Wind Pegasus @Ignister to deal with backrow.

Terrortop won’t always be accessible, so there’s other ways to step on the gas. Hi-Speedroid Rubber Band Shooter is a great resource to start cycling your cards. At the price of banishing a WIND Synchro from your Extra Deck, you can choose two Speedroids from your deck: one goes to your hand, and one to the GY. Picking a Lv7 and choosing Terrortop and Double Yoyo is a win-win, since you get access to Terrortop either way! A few cards in the deck are great for getting to Rubber Band Shooter in 2 summons by using tokens (Clock Wyvern, Mecha Phantom Beast Tetherwolf and O-Lion). This leaves you with one summon to get a free normal summon with Rubber Band’s effect.

Closing Thoughts:

This decklist is only the beginning of the potential for Speedroids and WIND Machines, so run wild and try out different support cards, engines and Synchro monsters! F.A. and Crystron are compatible engines if you’re looking for a starting point, and lots of tech cards can be splashed in to lean into various aspects of the deck. Enjoy the wild ride, and don’t forget to rev it up!

Written by LiquidLoan

 Edited by WideWalrus


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