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The Weather

● Very snowbally
● Loads of control options
● Makes full use of continuous spells and traps


● Can be prone to bricking
● Low comeback potential


Points: 2
● The Weather Painter Snow: 2 Extra Copies

General Strategy:

This deck is by nature a control deck. It uses The Weather and Amazement cards in combination with handtraps and generic backrow to interrupt the opponent's plays and snowball towards a victory. This is accomplished by getting access to The Weather or Amazement engines, which give interruption and snowballing advantage, or with True Draco, which gives access to advantage and removal. Beyond that, there are several synergies between the chosen archetypes, like Weather providing fodder for True Draco to tribute summon with, or Amazement having a balance of aggressive options and defensive options, while providing meaningful backrow even without drawing Amazement monsters.

Opening Plays:

Although you might not always be able to go first, when you do, you should look to capitalize. The ideal first turn play starters are The Weather Painter Snow, Dragonic Diagram, and Amazement Attendant Comica, as these provide the most immediate advantage, coupled with the most variety in options. Solid secondary play starters are the likes of Tour Guide from the Underworld, Majesty Maiden the True Dracocaster, Metaverse, and Lilith, Lady of Lament. While these options don't immediately get your engine going, but they do ultimately net you the cards you want. Other options such as The Weather Painter Aurora, The Weather Painter Thunder, The Weather Rainbowed Canvas, Scarm, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss, and Amazement Attraction Arlekino also work, but are reliant on you drawing specific cards to be fully utilized.

Closing Thoughts:

From my experience with the deck, it comes down to balancing the monsters you have on the board and your Spell & Trap Card Zones, since The Weather naturally will fill those up. If you were looking to take the deck in different directions, I'd recommend trying out Phantom Knight or Pacifis, the Phantasm City. Pacifis has seen success in the past, since you can tag out The Weather monsters, allowing you to have an open field to use the Pacifis Traps, and Phantom Knights synergize with most The Weather monsters being level 3, so you can use them as fodder for cards like Break Sword or Cherubini. If you're looking for a snowbally control option, give this Amazing Draco Painter deck a whirl!

Written by 41 Flavors of Burritos

Edited by WideWalrus

The Weather

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