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War Rock

● Resilient monsters
● Snowballs advantage in the battle phase
● Strong, one-card starters


● Reliant on the battle phase
● Lacks starters going first
● Limited recovery plays


Points: 6
● War Rock Mountain: Two Extra Copies
● Sky Striker Ace Raye: 1 Point
● Spyral Resort: 1/2 Point
● Terraforming: 1/2 Point
● Heavy Storm Duster: 1/2 Point
● Titanocider: 1/2 Point
● Torrential Tribute: 1/2 Point
● Evilswarm Exciton Knight: 1/2 Point

General Strategy:

War Rock are an EARTH Warrior archetype that utilize the battle phase to gain plus ones in card advantage and swarm the field with fierce, primitive attackers. They are an aggresive strategy with many cards that can destroy opponent resources and attack for good damage. You can launch a large beater in the form of War Rock Meteoragon early and easily, so reducing your opponent's life points represents a huge threat. You can also utilize sneaky direct attackers to finish the opponent off. While the deck is not grind-based in nature, it does have an advantage loop in the form of War Rock Skyler if you can keep attacking. Additionally, you can also try a more control oriented route with your searchable omni-negate in the form of War Rock Dignity.

Opening Plays:
Early on, your goal is to summon War Rock Fortia, attack, and then summon a second War Rock monster. Ideally, you want to attack with another EARTH warrior monster that isn't Fortia so that you don't run the risk of being destroyed in battle and can guarantee resolving Fortia's effect. Therefore, EARTH warriors that can be special summoned easily are invaluable. Once you do search with Fortia, you'll usually want to add War Rock Wento so that you can protect your monsters in battle. Even if your opponent can attack over your War Rock monsters, you will still gain advantage so long as you control two. Once you are developed, add War Rock Meteoragon and start pressuring for game. However, if your opponent's board is too formidable on your opening turn, be sure to use your Rank 4 toolbox, Sky Striker spells and SPYRAL agents to deal with it.

Closing Thoughts:
War Rock are an effective deck to use in Trinity format, but are also meta dependent. You have to choose which cards you want to play in order to counter whatever threats you expect to encounter. The name of the game is making sure that War Rock Fortia can attack safely. If you expect spell and trap disruption or monsters with negates, be sure to come prepared. It also helps to keep in mind what decks will go first or second, whether they will be summoning monsters in attack position, or if they might leave weak monsters on the field. The deck has access to a host of options such as equip spells, battle tricks, or protection effects, so there's still ample room for experimentation. If you're looking for a simple, advantage-based strategy to aggressively overwhelm your opponent, give War Rock a shot!

Written by GuiltyGearxx

Edited by WideWalrus

War Rock

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