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November 2024

Top 4:

May 2020 YTC Top 4 Bokkiman.png


What made you choose your deck? What are some plays your deck can make?

I decided to pick up Labrynth Fiendsmith because all the experimentation I’ve done with the Fiendsmith engine made me come to the conclusion that Labrynth is the 2nd best home for Fiendsmith (1st is Magical Musketeer). After playing Musket Fiendsmith and Mimighoul Fiendsmith, I found the best parts of the deck are the in-engine trap disruptions allowing me to snowball much easier with the Fiendsmith engine. The main plays my deck is built around is being able to turn 1 make Necroquip Princess by going through White Duston -> Requiem -> Lacrima -> Equip Requiem in 2 summons and after I establish Necroquip I can pitch a Labrynth Furniture to set Welcome Labrynth from deck and net a draw off Necroquip, and then on the following turn I can flip Welcome to summon Arianna, search another Furniture, and pitch the Furniture to then set Big Welcome Labrynth and draw another card off Necroquip, all this off White Duston + Furniture + discard while having Lacrima in GY to establish the rest of the Fiendsmith engine during the opponent’s turn. The other notable play would be the fact Arias the Labrynth Butler is a lv6 fiend which means I have much easier access to Wave High King and Beatrice and with Beatrice i can establish Rollback + Elemental Burst or if I already have 1 of the 2 traps in the GY send Back Jack for more disruption.

What were some tech choices you made? Would you make any changes to the list moving forward?

Tech choices I made in my list would be the main deck Olenoides, the theory behind it is that it’s extra S/T removal and in game 1 I can make Opabinia with another paleo + Stovie Torbie to be able to flex into Olenoides if I really need it. In the side I played Spell Card "Monster Reborn" to play around SS2 GY removal like crow/bystial but it never came up. Fiend Comedian/Belle /Crow/Saronir are all in the side for GY disruption and cover different bases. Talent and Thrust in the side for games 2 & 3 when I know my opponent will be siding in hand traps to then punish them severely. Oh and the big inclusion was Moon of the Closed Heaven + Underworld Goddess, the theory behind adding them to my ED is that they let me out anything that can’t be targeted and they let me suck up 2 of my opponent’s monsters when they are used in tandem. Also Moon is a Light Fiend so in a SUPER pinch I can convert 2 Labrynth monsters into full Fiendsmith line. As for changes I would make, I would cut Cooclock because I never used it outside of it being a LV1 for Afterroot’s GY effect and I would find room for Lyna/Eria Link 2s in the side to be able to make them games 2 & 3.
How did your deck handle the other pilots? Any notable moments?

Overall very well, throughout most of the event I was able to play because I draw Light Fiend + Purple card and then I would have to pilot myself to victory by managing my resources and converting my monsters to my Extra Deck payoffs or just grinding my opponent with the advantage loop that’s Labrynth. The most notable moment for me this event would be game 2 vs EVA (ejinqus) in the semi finals. They had established D/D/D Super Doom King Bright Armageddon and I didn’t have an out to it in my main because it had too high atk and it has targeting protection so I can’t Engraver Send it. I didn’t have an out in my main but I opened up my ED and looked at Underworld Goddess, it came up! I summoned 2 more bodies to my field (I had 2 monsters from the previous opponent’s turn) and turned all 4 + hisd Doom King into White Women Jumpscare and attacked for game.

When YOU build a deck, do you always find room for staples?

When I build a deck I kinda of do it in an obtuse way. I first think of the plays I want to make, then add all the cards that would enable my lines of play to the list, afterwords I add my staples (hand traps + called by + S/T removal), and then whatever deck space is left I then either add more starters for the main line of play or consistency cards like upstart. I always have room for staples because they are the 2ND thing I add to my list after the core engine. It’s very rare I cut a staple card unless my decklist is very tight and I need an extra slot for a supplementary engine and the most I’ve ever cut from my staples “auto enclude” would be Mystical Space Typhoon because it doesn’t have the same coverage Twins/Cosmic has. I do think it’s very important to play staples/non-engine in the main because they let you deal with a wide variety of decks. How I see it: “If you don’t run hand traps in the main, your opponent will always be able to turn one step up their engine if they draw combo”, “If you don’t run S/T removal in the main, you’ll run into every Trap your opponent set and every Field/Continuous Spell your opponent uses will resolve”.

May 2020 YTC Top 4 Bokkiman.png


What made you choose your deck? What are some plays your deck can make?

There is 1 deck, I played the 1 deck, anyway I am mostly playing the same build as the previous write up in august, but now vaalmonica instead of zefra, cause being able to summon sele and her being a spellcaster turnd out to be very good actually. The deck can uh, hope to draw white forest cards, besides that you just uhh summon your stuff and play the game.

What were some tech choices you made? Would you make any changes to the list moving forward?

Notable new stuff compared to August. First veiler: good card from rciela, but you don't search it that much, mostly cause i found it's bad vs a lot of the best decks. Next 2 extra vaylantz cards besides shino: I thought that would be good for more shino and the other dude to fully take advantage of it, but it turned out pretty bad overall, just not worth trying to for coinflip effects. I am back on gentrude as deck filler cause I found out some stuff I was trying like chrono sucks and also cause I am on wavering now to improve consistency with elec banned. Wavering actually worked pretty good, like surprisingly good. In ed I added a rank 7 and berserker cause I got some space, berserker was okay but came up more in testing that in the actual games cause the dude is too fragile, so you are scared to actually make him, did not make the rank 7, but not sure what I would run instead right now. Going forward cut the extra vaylantz cards for something but I am not sure what right now.

How did your deck handle the other pilots? Any notable moments?

I felt like it's a bit slow compared to stuff like labrynth, probably due to the decreased normal monster count compared to before, but I do not think pushing the normal monster count back up is correct now that electrumite is banned. So I am not sure about what the solution there is. Azamina is kinda ass to play against, just ban rcielago ffs.

When YOU build a deck, do you always find room for staples?

No, staples are what you add when you see you can not fit another engine so you add staples to fill the room instead.

May 2020 YTC Top 4 Bokkiman.png


What made you choose your deck? What are some plays your deck can make?

I decided to play the deck because coming off the most recent set and banlist, Azamina both got introduced, and made nye unplayable with the fact that Deception of the Sinful Spoils got banned, so naturally I wanted to play the deck. Was trying a number of different variants, and settled on Azamina True Draco because True Draco have a good field when I already wanted Diagram, and their Spell & Trap cards synergized with Snake-Eye and Magicians’ Souls. The main play the deck looks to make is draw an Azamina Fusion Spell/Trap and a Sinful Spoils card, then summon Azamina Mu Rcielago and use her effect to add an Azamina or Sinful Spoils card.

What were some tech choices you made? Would you make any changes to the list moving forward?

The tech choices I made were the inclusion of Magicians’ Souls engine and Vortex Trooper. Both provided draw 2 effects while synergizing with True Draco respectively. In hindsight, I would look to remove Snake-Eye Oak, Cosmic Cyclone, Triple Tactics Thrust and Called By The Grave for 3 copies of Baobaboon and Set Rotation. I need more consistent access to my important cards, and both Baobaboon and Set Rotation work to accomplish that.

How did your deck handle the other pilots? Any notable moments?

I won by going 2nd vs Folo.

When YOU build a deck, do you always find room for staples?

He says as he just stated that hes looking to remove 3 staples

May 2020 YTC Top 4 Bokkiman.png


What made you choose your deck? What are some plays your deck can make?

D/D is a comfort deck for me, and since I haven't played trinity for the past 2-3 months really I needed something quick to submit. The plays d/d can make are basically the same as they've always been (minus the banned cards) but I had to focus a lot more on answering my opponent's stuff this ytc than the big flashy setups d/d is normally able to do.

What were some tech choices you made? Would you make any changes to the list moving forward?

Not many really, not keeping up with trinity meant that I wasn't able to do much refining against the current meta or putting in most of the new staply generics (thanks to impy for helping me with that a little bit right before the event started). Going forward I would probably remove lamia, which might be a mistake but is something that we're also mostly doing in tcg, and I used her zero times both in the ytc and during testing beforehand.

How did your deck handle the other pilots? Any notable moments?

I'd say pretty well, my only losses were both to impy because haha engraver send you should've had monster disruption to be able to stop my engine (I also missplayed out my ass in both matches). Like I said earlier most of the games I was spending my effort dealing with my opponents so no real notable moments from my side as far as I remember.

When YOU build a deck, do you always find room for staples?

Yeah, I feel like with the nature of the summon limit your deck always needs generics since they give you free action without using summons. The only real exception is pendulum, because lord knows you take enough game actions with pend already.

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