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August 2022

Top 4:

What made you choose your deck? What were some tech choices you made?

Iterating on my deck from last ytc; with hit on bis and beyond, I decided I was not confident on running ancient warriors, as since I needed more trinities on pends I could not spend more on sun mou and also my metalfoe count went down due to bismugear hit, hence less change to open sun mou with combi. I cut Melffy engine due to cat hit, with that went the beast pends.

Next my solutions: I went back on zefra for a disruption engine since I had less ways to get interrupt with cat and sun mou gone, it turned out quite well though zefra cards can be annoying sometimes with the restrictions. I added giltia as that came out, worked great. Royal magical library was an interesting tech, it can be bad mid game but due to rng it worked out very well and I got a lot of draws in, probably not optimal though. I also mained twin twisters for the first time, which was questionable but it worked out, also seemingly due to good rng. Nothing much else of interest.

Would you make any changes to the list moving forward?

Well yes, beyond is going to 1p, so I can not run summoner's art if I want to keep that, which I do: that is an easy replacement though, summoner's art for terraforming. I am questioning twin twisters and library main, but I am not sure what I would replace those with right now, so whatever.

For side: cut timelords besides zaphion, they are really too slow. Should run more good generic sides like kongreat and phantazmay, also probably shared ride. Dharc is a bad side option, can run something like dweller instead.

How did your tournament experience go? Any notable moments?

Yeah boy: the big royal magical library draws, one game I had like 4 or 5, it's exciting even if it can be really bad sometimes. Sides that, tournament was all good rng; no one drew their pend side and s/t removal, no complaints there.

What was the first Trinity deck you built?

Uh like really bad pend: a lot of performapals and some magicians and majespecters, bricked like half the games. Mostly from my TCG experience where I was a long time performapal player, even when it sucked. Remember this fact: a real performapal deck does not use odd-eyes or magician cards, if anyone tells you otherwise they are not a legitimate performapal player, actual 0 synergy when you get down to it (performapal odd-eyes and peformapal magician cards excepted).


May 2020 YTC Top 4 Bokkiman.png
Top 1
May 2020 YTC Top 4 Bokkiman.png


What made you choose your deck? What were some tech choices you made?

I decided on @ignisters because I wanted to watch the world burn.

Would you make any changes to the list moving forward?

I guess I would wait for the GG Golem archetype to give this deck more starters since Fire Phoenix is now banned, so now this deck needs to manage its resources even harder if its going to win.

How did your tournament experience go? Any notable moments?

My tournament run went great, overall it was a lot of back and forth games of who maintains the most advantage over time while removing resources from the other player (except my game with Folo >: ( ) The most notable moment for me would be R1 Game 3 vs Sonicblast where I OTKed him on my first turn, so satisfying.

What was the first Trinity deck you built?

The first trinity list I built was a very very rough Dragon Ruler list, with a plant engine meant to turbo out Glow Up Bulb and predaplant darling cobra in order to search Future Fusion (shout out Wuh Train for saying my first trinity list was cool and that Lonefire isn't unbound).

Top 2

What made you choose your deck? What were some tech choices you made?

It was just a deck I'm very comfortable with. I didn't really do much testing for this format so I just threw this in because why not. I wanted to play a list with eater because I realized I didn't actually have a topping list with eater yet and I wanted to make one as its one of my favorite cards.

Would you make any changes to the list moving forward?

I'd probably be on more battle traps.

How did your tournament experience go? Any notable moments?

It was pretty standard. I went 4-1 then lost in top 4 like 90% of my tournament runs.

What was the first Trinity deck you built?

The first trinity deck I built was a fluffal shaddoll deck because I thought the shaddoll cards were just crazy in this format. However, I didn't realize polymerization or edge imp chain were at 3 so I was just playing a bunch of jank like fusion sub for the 2nd search target off patchwork.


May 2020 YTC Top 4 Bokkiman.png
Top 3/4
Top 4/3

What made you choose your deck? What were some tech choices you made?

I ended up choosing to play a Scareclaw deck so as to showcase how the deck operated, cuz for the most part the deck has a very solid snowball and its gone relatively unnoticed since even though people were talking about it being a good deck, I was the only representation of the deck. The biggest "tech" I made was to include an Artifact engine in the form of Artifact Dagda, Vajra, Moralltach x 2 and Sanctum. The engine was so strong, that if I opened the combo, my opponent would either immediately forfeit, or get otked.

Would you make any changes to the list moving forward?

Regarding the list I used, I would say the biggest blunder on my part was to listen to what others had to say about the deck. Originally, I was running Graydle as a way to mitigate aggressive decks' pressure and in niche scenarios to fuse for Tearlaments Kitkalos. I ended up dropping them due to being told they were unoptimal by multiple people and just included some generic Traps instead, but due to removing them from the Deck, the exact reason I was running them came up in my Top 4 match vs Impy, where in games 2 & 3, my Deck lacked any answers to the pressure he was able to put up using Mathmech, Code Talker, and Ignister cards, whereas if I'd just stuck with what I knew worked due to playing the Deck most out of anyone else in the server, as well as going through and tinkering with it the most, I would've had actual answers to his gameplan and might've been able to find actual outs to the gamestate I was thrown into.

How did your tournament experience go? Any notable moments?

In general, nothing too notable occurred outside the occasional Artifact OTK. The matches I won were very onesided, and the matches I lost my Deck didn't possess the tools to be able to win.

What was the first Trinity deck you built?

The first Trinity Deck that I built was a Flip Deck, using Shaddolls, Tindangles, Subterrors, Prediction Princesses, Jars, and Krawlers. This was far enough back that we had Shaddoll Fusion legal, so its hard to say whether the deck was nutty or not, but I remember it being fun to mess around with.


May 2020 YTC Top 4 Bokkiman.png
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