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August 2023

Top 4:

What made you choose your deck? What are some plays your deck can make?

I chose this because I like dogs and Arianna.

This deck uses Trap cards to mess with your opponent's plays so you have time to use the Labrynth cards and other fiends to put bodies on field for Yama. The Unchained cards let you grind and close out the game once you run out of traps, something the deck couldn't do before.

What were some tech choices you made? Would you make any changes to the list moving forward?

I played a Dark World engine because Genta is busted as hell, and Corridor makes it more consistent. I also played a second copy of Labrynth Barrage because I wanted another target for the furniture.

The Dark Worlds bricked a lot, so in the future I would just play the Genta, Gates, and Corridor. The second Labrynth Barrage did not come up at all, so I would cut that. The Xyz monsters also did not get summoned. The Lv8 Unchained was a brick, so it should be removed. Ties of the Brethren bricked the two times I drew it, even though it should be live most of the time. For cards to replace those, I would play more Unchained names and look for traps that require Link monsters, since Yama can synergize with them.

How did your deck handle the other pilots? Any notable moments?

It had a hard time into Purrely since that deck recycles all its cards if you try to remove a monster. Otherwise, it did fine.

I drew Bigfoot and a Labrynth in game 2 against Deonment. I also used Prey of Jirai Gumo and then bounced it with Big Welcome Labrynth against Folo.

If you could be reincarnated as any Yugioh Monster, which one would you choose?



May 2020 YTC Top 4 Bokkiman.png
Top 1
May 2020 YTC Top 4 Bokkiman.png


What made you choose your deck? What are some plays your deck can make?

Well it seemed broken, so I brought it to prove that. Other than the happy otk line which thankfully got hit (and I only managed to pull off once), the main lines include setting up for large sleepy draws with leap, and agent lines that set up masterflare/lost sanctuary.

What were some tech choices you made? Would you make any changes to the list moving forward?

Well I didn't exactly make any tech choices since I whole-sale stole a list that mick posted (and turned out to be outdated). Going forward, I'd look into a second my friend, personalize the techs a bit more, and probably try a different secondary engine that's less points-intensive for consistency reasons.

How did your deck handle the other pilots? Any notable moments?

Most matches were simple sleepy-fueled advantage overruns that led into either exHappy beatdown or agent disruption fests, with the only game really worth watching being the finals where Stephen managed to outpace my snowball with a combination of his own and some well-placed disruption.

If you could be reincarnated as any Yugioh Monster, which one would you choose?

Trickstar Candina I suppose

Top 2

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What made you choose your deck? What are some plays your deck can make?

Same Blue-Eyes deck same strats

What were some tech choices you made? Would you make any changes to the list moving forward?

Psychic Fervor and Forbidden Lance sided to try to beat over Galaxy-Eyes in the damage step

How did your deck handle the other pilots? Any notable moments?


If you could be reincarnated as any Yugioh Monster, which one would you choose?

Black Luster Soldier he's cool maybe I can use some of his chaos powers too from his alternate forms


May 2020 YTC Top 4 Bokkiman.png
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