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Fall Champs 2020

Top 4:

What made you choose this deck for the tournament, and what were your tech choices?

I chose the deck because it won me the YTC, and just because I think it's fun! Other than the maindecked DD Ground from last time, no real tech choices, unless you count some side deck garbage I threw in for the laughs and never used (retort FTW).

Would you make any changes to the deck?

I'd probably kick the baby chaos dragons, they're too small to be a threat and using them as link fodder sucks under summon limit. Also would switch Change of Heart for Dark Hole; while Iza OTKing me with it is still fresh in my memory, board wipes seemed to be generally far more powerful than a single steal, see Lightning Vortex in the finals game, again.

How did your matchups throughout Swiss and Top 4 go?

All the matches were pretty hard, I lost 2 of them in swiss. Anju's Megalith Shaddolls were the scariest, to the point that even after getting lucky enough to draw a banish for phul G1, I was still scared I'd lose somehow. Generally monsters that can't be removed by just running them over with a Big Boi were hard to deal with. *glares intensely at megalith portal

Do you have a favorite play of the tournament?

Vortex clutching the finals again definitely comes to mind. I don't remember any particularly big brain plays. Maybe the decision to not run over Rai-Oh vs Anju G2 in top 4, instead attacking the FD I was pretty sure was blueboy to deny the search and keep Anju locked, that was kinda cheeky.

Moving forward, what cards do you think should be banned or restricted, if any?

Aside from Dogma and Ice Dragon's, Lightning Storm seemed extremely strong, but I'm still very new and don't have the best grasp on what's hitworthy.


May 2020 YTC Top 4 Bokkiman.png
Top 1
May 2020 YTC Top 4 Bokkiman.png


What made you choose this deck for the tournament, and what were your tech choices?

I wanted to play an interactive deck that could play through a lot, and had a good amount of recovery, while not sacrificing consistency or ceiling. My techs were DMOC+CSB and Mana+DMG. I wouldn't call Dogma a tech, but I did play it.

Would you make any changes to the deck?

PHRA adds a ton of fun stuff that I would swap the DMOC and Mana engines for. Dogma was hit pretty bad so ratios need to be changed as well.

How did your matchups throughout Swiss and Top 4 go?

Aggro was rough. The deck could mostly deal with mid range and combo, but field wipes and getting a ton of monsters on field is a sure way to win.

Do you have a favorite play of the tournament?

Honestly no idea. I blanked pretty hard for most of the tournament.

Moving forward, what cards do you think should be banned or restricted, if any?

Dogma is getting nixed already, as is chaos, but I think field wipes should be hit harder.

Top 2

What made you choose this deck for the tournament, and what were your tech choices?

I picked D/D/D because it is honestly my best deck at this point, and because I figure if I do consistently well with it for long enough, other people will pick the deck up.

Would you make any changes to the deck?

Well, Supreme King Dragon Starving Venom is now banned, and Ice Dragon's Prison is 1/2 Point, but other than swapping those 2 cards out for literally anything else, my core is unchanged.

How did your matchups throughout Swiss and Top 4 go?

My matchups in Swiss were all fairly stressful. I lost round one to a really stupid misplay on my part, so I had to play nearly perfect from then on. I even beat the champ, Crowe, in Swiss, though they bricked somewhat.

Do you have a favorite play of the tournament?

I don't really have a favorite play this time around, I suppose every time I summoned SKDSV just to be a beatstick without a good effect to copy was pretty funny.

Moving forward, what cards do you think should be banned or restricted, if any?

Bright Armageddon is still a stupidly strong card, as is Dark Contract with Errors; They basically go against format philosophy by being an unkillable boss and a floodgate respectively, but until D/D really gains some traction as a top deck, I doubt they will be looked at.


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May 2020 YTC Top 4 Bokkiman.png
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