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January 2021

Top 4:

What made you choose this deck for the tournament, and what were your tech choices?

I played Gems because that's the only deck I play. The techs that made this different than my standard Gem build were the Dogma engine and it performed really well. Nadir, Last Will and Ecclesia all give you 5k damage for free and potential interruption for when you go 1st.

Would you make any changes to the deck?

I'd definitely cut Mid-Breaker, the more i use it the more i see that it helps my opponents more than me. I would also put more playable cards in the side deck, i only ever sided in a couple of select cards.

How did your matchups throughout Swiss and Top 4 go?

My first 2 rounds were byes, one an actual bye and another when my opponent didn't respond. I felt like i got lucky all tournament since i kept opening playable hands. Top cut was against Pend, Drytron and BE, and all of them were fairly quick with me opening a god hand every time.

Do you have a favorite play of the tournament?

I don't think a have a clear favorite, the whole tournament has been pretty fun.

Trinity's seasonal banlist is scheduled for the beginning of February, what cards would you like to see included and why?

I don't exactly engage with Trinity very actively, but from what I've seen Dmaids and Drytron are very very strong, so maybe they should be hit.


May 2020 YTC Top 4 Bokkiman.png
Top 1
May 2020 YTC Top 4 Bokkiman.png


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Top 2

What made you choose this deck for the tournament, and what were your tech choices?

Veiss made me play this. At first, I planned on playing Plunder HERO, but then I went to talk with Veiss about it and he told me how shit the deck was. He gave me some suggestions until he told me rituals could be a good choice. I wasn't very excited to play it because, obviously, Herald is really toxic, but then I thought..."Hey, I can play Chaos Space here". That also answers the second part of the question; I played a small chaos engine because I really like Chaos Space. Literally no other reason. Valkyrie and Creator were garbage, but I'll keep Levia. Other techs include Solemn Scolding, which was great, Cyber Repair Plant, which was shit, and Vennu, also shit.

Would you make any changes to the deck?

I would make a lot of them, and I'm actually in the process of doing so. The chaos space will stay, but not with those same chaos monsters. I'm planning on a different ritual engine that can really help in come back power, as well as some packages with really annoying plays. Herald won't be your only problem, fools!

How did your matchups throughout Swiss and Top 4 go?

I really didn't deserve the top, if you don't consider the last swiss game. I threw the game really hard against Burrito; I literally couldn't lose, and I did. After that, I lost one more game to the rng machine (granted, I could've survived in some ways but those were really different and riskier lines, which I really didn't want to take against Penjulum, and got punished for it). On the top 8, I 2-0'd Berger with him bricking game 1 and we having a really big fight on game 2 that ended up being decided by the sacky IDP. Upon watching it again, I saw better plays that would be possible from both sides, but I say the result was fair, although I feel bad for sacking Berg. On top 4, the damage machine got me again and I was destroyed by gems with 2 consecutive otks, one of them being pretty sacky with fossils. Ricape is a really good player, but luck really got a upper hand there. In the end, it was a good tournament. Not my best, but also not as bad as my early ones, specifically one where I non ironically played fricking Satellars. Dark times.

Do you have a favorite play of the tournament?

Pre-Prep adds Herald and ritual spell, tribute Benten with the ritual to summon Herald, search Eva. Other than that, resolving Chaos Space in GY always made me smile, same with Scolding, Kongreat and Natasha healing my entire life back. Yes, my favorite part isn't the Natasha OTK, it's the Natasha healing. You always expect her to destroy others, when in fact she's just trying to heal our hearts. This says a lot about our society. Or not. She's a fairy, what does she know?

Trinity's seasonal banlist is scheduled for the beginning of February, what cards would you like to see included and why?

All ritual Heralds because they are incredibly toxic and I don't want that to exist; Nadir, because of how sacky it is; Tidying, because... Maids bad; I didn't really play against Spellcasters, so I'm not sure what you'd hit on them; AND GOLDEN LORD UNBANNED. GIVE MY BOY BACK. I SWEAR I'LL FRICKING HERALD YOU FOR 9, SENATE. HEAR MY WORDS.


May 2020 YTC Top 4 Bokkiman.png
Top 3/4
Top 4/3

What made you choose this deck for the tournament, and what were your tech choices?

I played Fluffals because it was one of my more consistent decks I have developed of the time and some of my techs were having Predaplants to have some other extra removal and god slime to have the opponent focus on it while getting my attackers ready.

Would you make any changes to the deck?

Any changes I would have is maybe taking out some cards to make the deck smaller like maybe taking out Heavy Storm.

How did your matchups throughout Swiss and Top 4 go?

Round 1, I lost to sparky who was on Witchcrafters and my decks have a tendency to brick and I never got anything really going to match him. 0-2 Round 2, I faced Izanagi on spellcaster stuff and I was able to take game 1 from him then on the start of second game he conceded saying he didn’t have a great hand and didn’t like this version of the deck. 2-0
Me and my opponent didn’t play round 3 because of conflicting schedules.
Round 4, my opponent was YFNsprial and his deck was Sacred Beast Goodstuff and after beating him in game 1, he also conceded game 2 because he didn’t feel like playing Yugioh that day. 2-0
Round 5, my opponent was Anju on Phantom Knights Orcust and after a blowout from Heavy Storm in game 1, I had my resources then keep up with and destroy more of his then he can protect. 2-0
Top 8, I dueled 41 Flavors of Burrito who was on Zombies and it was very close game which either one of us could of won but in the end, I managed to pop enough cards to beat my opponent thanks to Frightfur Tiger. 2-1
Top 4, I played against Cinosrepus on Blue-Eyes and I just brick hard both games and pretty much did nothing to him. 0-2

Do you have a favorite play of the tournament?

Not necessarily a play but I do love getting multiple Toy Vendors effects to search off.

Trinity's seasonal banlist is scheduled for the beginning of February, what cards would you like to see included and why?

I just want see Nadir to get out and Dragonmaid get knocked down a couple of cards.


May 2020 YTC Top 4 Bokkiman.png
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