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June 2020

Top 4:

What made you choose this deck for the tournament, and what were your tech choices?

Eldlich is the best deck. It’s a format warping archetype, and I feel like every deck without Eldlich was at a disadvantage. I chose to play an Ancient Warriors engine and the Buzzsaw Shark engine to summon Rank 4 Xyz monsters like Lavalval Chain and Traptrix Rafflesia. Uni-zombie and the ghost girl hand traps allowed me to synchro summon PSY-Framelord Omega or pop off into Ultimaya Tzolkin plays. Verte Anaconda allowed me to send Fusion Destiny from deck to summon Destiny Hero Dystopia, essentially a 3800 drident with potential 2 draws.

Would you make any changes to the deck?

Not really, every engine complimented each other well. Compared to my last month YTC win, I swapped out the Burning Abyss Dark Spirit engine for the Buzzsaw Engine because it was much more consistent and powerful to go into a rank 4 instead of ba/dark spirit looping.

How did your matchups throughout Swiss and Top 8 go?

Easy win against D/D/D’s unfortunately for Ejeffers. Very close games against Grimm and Shameless however.

Do you have a favorite play of the tournament?

Literally winning the entire YTC by calling heads correctly with Fiend Comedian.

Moving forward, what cards do you think should be banned or restricted, if any?

Eldlich the Golden Lord is obviously getting banned. Fusion Destiny, 1 card fusion summon from deck for a 3800 beatstick that pops any card, should definitely get banned too. 1 card engines like Ancient Warrior - Masterful Sun Mou, Buzzsaw Shark, and Tour Guide of the Underworld should get limited to half point. ABC should get hit, most likely Union Driver since that allows you to get off an easy link summon or rank 4 with the ABC pieces.


May 2020 YTC Top 4 Bokkiman.png
Top 1
May 2020 YTC Top 4 Bokkiman.png


What made you choose this deck for the tournament, and what were your tech choices?

This format is centered around the use, or anti-use, of Golden Lord. Lord is simply the go-to engine, and everything else around it that's high-risk, high-reward simply becomes much harder to stop since the near-infinite looping often draws all the outs that would usually stop such plays. Malice loops become impossible to stop once crow/called are wasted on lord loops. Fusion combos become a nightmare once ash is used to prevent lord summons.

Would you make any changes to the deck?

My deck? No. I like my 55 card shuffle. You don't need anything more.

How did your matchups throughout Swiss and Top 4 go?

I 2-0'd every person I came across, except for three duels.
First one I lost was against folo's pends, where I played like a complete moron and made an endless amount of mistakes that ended up costing me the match.
Second one I lost was against Lab's machine lord goodstuff, and I lost to an unintentional OTK. If that didn't happen, I certainly would've had game due to overwhelming advantage generation.
Third game I lost because of joey magic.

Do you have a favorite play of the tournament?

Getting roflstomped by joey-tier antics was certainly the best. Losing the duel to a physical coinflip was peak trinity.

Moving forward, what cards do you think should be banned or restricted, if any?

Golden lord needs to be banned. Bahamut needs to be banned. Malice needs to be banned. These loops and antics lead to a lot of non-interactive gameplay that's simply not all that fun to be around--be you playing it, or not.

Top 2

What made you choose this deck for the tournament, and what were your tech choices?

Trains (or maybe, at this point, Earth Machine) is my favourite archetype, and the new Machina support is really strong. So I played four Earth Machine archetypes in one! Tech choices are ABC and Eldlich. The former also got new support and is hecking strong, and the latter was for Rank 10 dreams that never happened. Mathmech Sigma was there too. He doesn't get results, but I keep being so optimistic about him.

Would you make any changes to the deck?

I'd like to put in Goldilocks The Battle Landscaper. Not because it's necessarily good, but it's just such a damn fun card! Spending a Trinity on Conquistador wasn't the smartest move, I think.
...Or, actually, I should re-investigate adding Orcust. Turns out that Girisu does a whole lot more than what I was expecting.

How did your matchups throughout Swiss and Top 4 go?

Went 6-0 in Swiss, then lost in a rematch in Top 4. Ho hum. Eldlich giveth, Eldlich taketh away.

Do you have a favorite play of the tournament?

Accidentally doing precise damage with Ravenous Tarantula. For some reason, I can never get the maths right on it. I just threw it out as a Hail Mary, but it ended up working out.

Moving forward, what cards do you think should be banned or restricted, if any?

Eldlich was a mistake. ...I mean, to be fair, it was pretty unexpected that it would be actually good. People got into the habit of assuming any new Deck Build Pack archetype is pretty crap until it gets more support. And not for next month, because of how banlists work, but Union Carrier really needs some hit. It's just way too good at making ABC.


May 2020 YTC Top 4 Bokkiman.png
Top 3/4
Top 4/3

What made you choose this deck for the tournament, and what were your tech choices?

Nothing in particular. I'm pretty sure everyone in the server thinks of me as the weird Cyber Dragon guy, that's my favorite deck and I keep trying to update it to a viable level throughout the format's evolution. The techs in this were the Herz trinity that offers infinite discard fodder (for something like Buster Dragon or Factory of More Production) Marrella and Leanchoillia to kickstart and salvage the Eldlich engine respectively and finally Cloak and Dagger and Deep Dark Trap Hole to hit the enemy's Golden Lord.

Would you make any changes to the deck?

The deck itself was made in 20 minutes or so since i decided to play in the YTC on a whim and the changes that should be made are probably too numerous to list. Off the top of my head, I'd probably cut Arcjet Lightcraft and its two xyz and double down on the Eldlich cards with a trinity or two. Would definitely also cut the two cores in this specific variation of the deck. I won't comment on the Side Deck since i feel it completely missed the mark (besides the anti Eldlich stuff). I feel like the deck as a whole lacked removal (struggled vs Rafflesia for example)

How did your matchups throughout Swiss and Top 4 go?

The matchups themselves went as expected. I lost to Labcoat and TamamoBall with Eldlich Machines and Eldlich respectively in the Swiss, and then vs TamamoBall again in the second game of the top cut. The first two losses were very close games and I'd say they could go either way (especially vs Labcoat) but vs Tamamo in the top cut i bricked game 1 and got blown out game 2 so not exactly a good showing. I'd say the deck is ok, but it definitely had blind spots. Probably the runt of the litter as far as Eldlich decks are concerned.

Do you have a favorite play of the tournament?

Getting to win the first round of the top cut with Chimeratech Overdragon. It's always nice to showcase some nice plays with Cyber Dragons, especially since they aren't as popular in the community as a deck compared to other archetypes.

Moving forward, what cards do you think should be banned or restricted, if any?

I feel like Bahamut ban and Golden Lord bans are the ones that stand out to me. And maybe Union Driver. That's it as far as meta related cards are concerned, though I'm certain there are other hits I'm missing. I'm sure they'll come up when it's time for a banlist.


May 2020 YTC Top 4 Bokkiman.png
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