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November 2022 Yugioh Trinity Cup


14 Entrants


1st Place: Sparky

2nd Place: Folo

Top 4: Impy and Cinosrepus




1st Place Sparky
Amazement / Labrynth / P.U.N.K.
1st Impy
sparky discord october_edited.png

What made you choose your deck? What were some tech choices you made?


I think the fiend deck has always been really insane with really good recursion off cards like tgu, sangan, rhino, scarm, toddler, backjack and stuff but with the addition of the labrynth cards and ghastly glitch the decks ceiling and recursion goes through the roof and unlike most backrow decks it can grind out almost every other deck. Some techs were the mass of battle traps I was on, and the punk cards because well, they're insane.


Would you make any changes to the list moving forward?


Honestly, not really. It's probably optimal to be on torrential, you probably should play it over eater, but i’d rather not. I might play it over idp, because idp is 1 point and it's kinda eh this format. Folo is a person and I always side out idp vs pend and I don’t particularly like it vs thundra either.


How did your tournament experience go? Any notable moments?


I mean uh I went 5-0. I went 2-1 against folo both times and we didn’t play top 4 so I could win and yeah that was cool.


Next month will be the DABL YTC with many powerful new cards along with old cards being released on the banlist.What decks do you think are viable and why, and which deck will you be playing?


Probably still this. Chaos thundra was cracked before Dabl and now it's even better, burrito is also a good pilot so it's pretty scary, but honestly this deck is still fine against it.

 2nd Place WideWalrus
pend bestd eck_edited.png
folo disc oct.jpg
What made you choose your deck? What were some tech choices you made?

It's my usual deck: just a few changes from last YTC: replaced a summoner's art with terraforming cause I lost half a point with the new banlist. I have also tried to improve my side so I ran some more varied generics: phantazmay, kongreat and shared ride.

How did your tournament experience go? Any notable moments?

Uh it was fine: my RNG was okay for pretty much the whole thing, worse than last time. I do not remember any match being particularly interesting.

Next month will be the DABL YTC with many powerful new cards along with old cards being released on the banlist. What decks do you think are viable and why, and which deck will you be playing?

I have no clue what decks are good: I will be playing pend like usual.

Top 4 Burrito
Prediction princess / Subterror / Tindangle
Top 4 Walru
Screenshot 2022-10-18 12.22_edited.jpg

What made you choose your deck? What were some tech choices you made?


I've been waiting for 2 years for block dragon to come off the banlist and when he finally did I just HAD TO top a ytc with him, the fact block just nets you so much advantage and provides protection makes rocks one of the most grindy and hard to deal with decks in the current meta.


As for tech choices the big one I found is Crystron Halqifibrax, being able to end on Ghost Ogre and Halq that tags into Coral Dragon or Wonder Magician (for the pend match up) might as well be full union combo because it's so much advantage from a play as simple as NS Researcher.


Would you make any changes to the list moving forward?


For changes I would make to the list, can't really think of any, both the main and extra are really tight (especially since I cut down to 45) and side decks change according to the current meta, if I have to give an answer I would cut Mistaken Arrest and add Gate Blocker to hard counter pends/trap decks.


How did your tournament experience go? Any notable moments?


A notable tournament experience for me would be R3 game 1 vs Krasher, Krasher makes knightmare cerberus and targets my block dragon, discarding a card, 38 seconds later Krasher realizes his mistake and admits defeat.


Next month will be the DABL YTC with many powerful new cards along with old cards being released on the banlist. What decks do you think are viable and why, and which deck will you be playing?


Everybody is sleeping on how much of a boost Rebranded & Byssted gives to Chaos decks cough thundra cough and other banishing based decks like PK and Orcust, and a lot of players are sleeping on Scareclaw getting multiple new cards. As for what i'll be playing I probs going to Jam Drulers since i know the deck like the back of my hand, and when we get BLCR i'll tinker with Cyberse good stuff since the GG golems provide so many free bodies.


Top 4 Cinosrepus
cino topped_edited.png
cino discord october_edited.png
What made you choose your deck? What were some tech choices you made?
Burrito told me to play HERO a few months ago after I asked which deck to play and I've been trying to optimize it Tech choices: I tried to put in some going-second cards like lightning storm, lightning Vortex, Giltia Soul Spear, and various hand traps and rank 4 enablers. Unfortunately this wasn't enough since going first is just too good.
Would you make any changes to the list moving forward?
I don't know how to make it any better, maybe add in some of the Noble Knight stuff to make searching Blazeman easier. A lot of my losses were due to paying too much LP for A Hero Lives, so probably need to change the Trinity on that.
How did your tournament experience go? Any notable moments?
It was alright, many back and forth moments. HERO is pretty decent but doesn't feel consistent enough, too much brick potential or losing after one form of disruption. I think I predicted I'd draw lightning storm once, and I did draw it. I didn't realize I couldn't use it though since I had fusion recycling plant face up on the field.
Next month will be the DABL YTC with many powerful new cards along with old cards being released on the banlist. What decks do you think are viable and why, and which deck will you be playing?
I don't know which decks will be viable since I don't look at new cards very much, probably Blackwing is good. The Fiend trap deck seems good too, with proper siding to prevent blowouts from removal. I'll probably play Blue-Eyes, maybe Thundra. Or something with PUNK like SPYRAL.



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