December 2023
Top 4:

What made you choose your deck? What are some plays your deck can make?
I was testing a couple of decks for this YTC, but none of them were really fun or powerful enough to my liking. The last banlist had a few hits to my last YTC's winning list, but with a few adjustments it was essentially the same. So since I wasn't feeling anything else, I decided to see if I could win again with the same deck.
What were some tech choices you made? Would you make any changes to the list moving forward?
This time around I just changed Melffy Catty to Giant Trunade thinking it would be useful in backrow matchups and that I could bounce my own Gates, though in practice Trunade wasn't great either. I really need to find a good half-point card to play. Other than that, I also added the Diabellstar engine to the deck which proved to be quite good. It allowed me to send any fiend to the GY to trigger their effects (albeit you can only trigger a select few with her, like Scarm or Toddler) and out problematic monsters.
How did your deck handle the other pilots? Any notable moments?
Honestly I never know what to write here. I had a bit of trouble against Impy because he played a lot of Bystials and I had to play through 2 of them game 3 in the finals, but other than that the deck performed well with no major issues.
Give me your best pickup line.
Man, I'm really bad at this
Girl, are you Baldur's Gate 3? Because you look like the game of the year of 2023 to me

What made you choose your deck? What are some plays your deck can make?
I picked Dragon rulers because I wanted to play a hype consistent mid range deck that could push for game out of nowhere and have a while Extra deck of tool box. The play is Absorouter Dragon to the gy, search Rokket Synchron, NS Rokket Synchron target Absorouter Dragon, Chaos Ruler Mill 5. Another huge play my deck can do is taking advantage of Dragon ravine sending Eclipse Wyvern in order to search either Dark Armed Dragon or Odd-Eyes Advance Dragon, both of them being very powerful dragon boss monsters.
What were some tech choices you made? Would you make any changes to the list moving forward?
The main tech choice I decided on adding to my list was the Diabellstar package (Diabellstar the Black Witch, WANTED: Seeker of Sinful Spoils, and Sinful Spoils of Subversion - Snake-Eye). The engine pulled it weight by providing me with a easy to summon Lv7 body that doubled as removal. Changes I would make: cutting Seyfert it didn't do anything for my deck, siding Galaxy Cyclone I don't need that much s/t removal in my main, and putting Dracossack back in the Extra Deck
How did your deck handle the other pilots? Any notable moments?
My deck did exactly what I wanted it to do, be a very constant mid range deck that could aply pressure at the drop of a hat when needed. The most notable moments from this tournament run for me would be the realization that Red-Eyes Flare Metal Dragon hard counters any pendulum deck. Burning 500 every time they play a card adds ups, and the fact pendulum has to go out of their way to out FMD because of its protection means it's that much easier to kill them on the crackback.
Give me your best pickup line.
Are you a 4 hour youtube video essay? Because I can't take my eyes off of you. (with rizz)

What made you choose your deck? What are some plays your deck can make?
Was a bit that Branded piles were left untouched, so I decided to get to work and tried to create something that could keep up with the current meta (shoutout to Wide and Veiss who helped in the process). The main idea of the deck is to play an Albaz core and a number of engines that well pivot into the main one. Gem-Knights consists in a very solid way to access Quem and recur High Spirits; Cyberdarks lets you easily send stuff from the Extra Deck to the GY in order to trigger their End Phase effects; Bystials are extremely sacky and Lubellion becomes even better since its on-field effect can be used effectively; Centurions are just a very good Synchro engine that happens to have a LIGHT Spellcaster with the same ATK and DEF as their starter and best card.
What were some tech choices you made? Would you make any changes to the list moving forward?
Some unconventional cards I decided to play were Starliege Seyfert and Etude of the Branded, which both aimed to broad the number of possible plays doable with the Bystial package. I feel like both cards make a lot of sense in this way, but at the same time they ended being too much situational in my build given the low amount of Dragon monsters I was playing. I also decided to play a Crimson Dragon package in my ED in order to punish my opponents if they tried to abuse Centurions, but contrarily to what I was expecting not a lot of people were on them so it never came up. The non-engine I decided to main and to side is pretty standard.
How did your deck handle the other pilots? Any notable moments?
Not really. Being a combo-ish pile of a lot of different stuff the deck isn’t linear and it loses (and wins) to itself much more than what regular lists do, so in the vast majority of the games I played, I felt like the final result was the reflection of how good my opening hand was. Granted that, I feel like the match I enjoyed the most was the first one of the bracket (vs Stephen), which featured 2 very grindy games that ended up being a lot of fun to play.
Give me your best pickup line.
Pick-ups line are cringe af. Anyways, there is no need to use pick-ups line when you mog everyone else in the room. Just win the genetic lottery, it’s not that hard.

What made you choose your deck? What are some plays your deck can make?
-Mostly to prove a certain someone who's been saying "If PeNd'S sO gOoD wHy Is FoLo ThE oNlY pErSoN tOpPiNg" for well over a year now. My deck is pretty basic, doing the war lines primarily with some occasional alkahest/horn/hop ear setups in addition.
What were some tech choices you made? Would you make any changes to the list moving forward?
-Didn't really have the space for too many techs since most of my time deckbuilding was spent trying to trim the fat. If I were to play the deck moving forward, I'd look into seeing if I can maybe trimming even further wether that would mean cutting terra+pcall or joker, and also adding blackfang since I noticed a weakness to high attack monsters in several of my games.
How did your deck handle the other pilots? Any notable moments?
-Pretty well, despite playing like a bit of an oaf disruption t1 into otk t3 doesn't take much thought into most decks (winning so many die rolls was also a big help). Closest thing to notable moments was getting burn alt-winconed by the same person twice and completely dodging Ricape (although it was more like he managed to completely dodge everybody lol).
Give me your best pickup line.
-Young man, instead of inquiring for help with girls you should be focusing on your studies and improving yourself smhing my head tbh ngl smh.