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Fall Champs 2023

Top 4:


What made you choose your deck? What are some plays your deck can make?

Alright I have skipped this for a while, so I will talk about changes since the last time I wrote on here. I played pend, as usual. Compared to last time there have been a few changes to the build. I dropped majesty maiden for vector as my dragonic pendulum target, cause I found majesty was never good to draw and having a vanilla was just better. Vector>master cause dark for allure and nightmare. I dropped thuban deciding to go less bricks over potential for zefra engine. I tried Ladyange cause I was filling space, it was pretty bad cause you need to resolve pendsorc to use it usually. I added a curtain raiser to more consistently get to electrumite. And importantly, I run draco masters now, it comes up. Besides that, the build has been static for a while due to lack of new releases that work well with pend. Gameplan is still go plus, make interrupts with electrumite to set-up and fix your stuff, and attack big.

What were some tech choices you made? Would you make any changes to the list moving forward?

Not much. i sided revolution+black rose for going 2nd, but I never drew it. I also decided to side seal eel for some difficult to out stuff like chaos angel, was not relevant. Majester was a mid choice, that one is basically a free slot in the ed and I decided I did want majester pass sometimes on bad hands. Harvest angel of doom is a go to side for going first in a lot of matchups due to the summon negates being very good sometimes. Main deck is not very techy for the most part. I would make quite a few changes due to new support in AGOV, but, disregarding that, I feel like ladyanage was a bad choice in this particular build and should be cut, but I am open to it in another build cause it IS a second foolish burial target, which is relevant since darkwurm is better after AGOV, thus you want to run foolish. Besides that, a lot of it is personal preference, it depends on my mood if I would make any other changes ignoring new cards in AGOV. I need to cut an engine to make room for new cards though, maybe zefra since that is a one-trick thing, and I don't think you want to try one-tricking vs volcanic.

How did your deck handle the other pilots? Any notable moments?

It was good, I did not get any bad matchups really. Last match my opponent bricked so that was pretty cool. Deck functioned as usual. Next format things will be a lot worse cause pend is bad against some of the new competitors like snake-eyes volcanic.

Any Trinity slang?

I don't have much to say


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What made you choose your deck? What are some plays your deck can make?


Summon Blue-Eyes, recycle Spirit from field with Vision, recycle Blue-Eyes from GY with True Light, recycle Ultimate Creature with its own effect

What were some tech choices you made? Would you make any changes to the list moving forward?

Tech choices: 35 card deck, I will probably remove the cards that don't necessarily do anything like Ipiria and Rochka

How did your deck handle the other pilots? Any notable moments?

I don't remember how it deals with other people I always forget

Any Trinity slang?

Just go with the flow

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