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July 2022

Top 4:


What made you choose your deck? Did you enjoy piloting it?

I’ve been on Exosister for the past few YTCs and wanted to go give it another go, this time as a control deck with an Amazement splash. Really liked playing it, lots of neat things you can do with Comica.

Would you make any changes to the list moving forward?

Besides adjusting for an eventual tax on Mikailis and adding the newly released Exosister Martha, not that much. Some tweaks to the trap lineup maybe, also really considering Magician’s Left Hand. Might cut Aiwass from the extra deck, he’s there to loop Incredible Ecclesia using Zoroa, but in this deck it comes up so rarely I doubt it’s worth it. Was more worth when I was on multiple Spirit Charmers and setting Unpossessed much more consistently.

How did your tournament experience go? Any notable moments?

Went very well, most games panned out as planned – I stop them with my traps/handtraps and then resolve a Mikailis or two to close out the game. Amazements also carried a couple of games, won some other games with Aruru jumpscares. Zoroa did some real heavy lifting vs Folo in finals. 2003 powerhouse Breaker the Magical Warrior actually wasn’t terrible whenever I drew him.

What is your favorite memory from Trinity Format?

Probably when I took down my first YTC on D/D/D. Hadn’t even bubbled a YTC up until that point and was dooming hard after losing in round 1 but then managed to sweep the rest of the tournament. I still feel like I got real lucky with my Kepler draws that tournament but I also played alright so I’m happy enough with it. Except in top cut vs Sparky when I forgot the known Ghost Ogre and almost threw,but for the grace of Kepler being a scale 10 for no reason, allowing me to pend out the Ragnarok I was trying to add back with Thomas.


Anchor 1


What made you choose your deck? Did you enjoy piloting it?

Same deck as last time pretty much. The major change is I replaced PUNKs with ancient warriors for the reason that ancient warriors have actual synergy with metalfoes. To get a point for that I dropped joker. Honestly, did not miss joker much. Sun mou is the better card, at least with the amount of metalfoes I am running right now. Deck felt good. I did not miss the punks, though ancient warrior engine is less consistent.

Would you make any changes to the list moving forward?

If same format: maybe tough to say. I would need to think about it. But for next format: it is likely there is a metalfoes hit coming, which would make ancient warrior engine worse, so I would need to rethink the optimal build significantly again. Probably no major changes in what pend engines I am going to run though.

How did your tournament experience go? Any notable moments?

Was fine, nothing in particular stuck out.

What is your favorite memory from Trinity Format?

Every time I make someone quit after dropkicking them with pend.

Anchor 2


What made you choose your deck? Did you enjoy piloting it?

I felt this would be the last chance to play this deck before the forecast got the axe. Piloting it was very fun. Sometimes you open the nuts and the deck is literally unbeatable, but sometimes a single imperm can just lose you the game. The deck is extremely strong and if you can resolve a snow most of the times you win those games but if you get stopped early on it can be extremely difficult to get back into the game.

Would you make any changes to the list moving forward?

The decks only have 35 cards so it's very tight. The only other card I would've played in the main deck is planet pathfinder because your field spell also gives you an extra normal.

How did your tournament experience go? Any notable moments?

It was pretty good overall, I ended up feeling like I had a solid chance to win all of my matchups and I lost a few games due to silly mistakes. One of the best moments of the tournament was in g3 against bokki where I drew the absolute nuts. I put up the entire 3 negate board turn 1 and even had the called by for his veiler.

What is your favorite memory from Trinity Format?

I don’t really know, maybe the first YTC i won. Any game where you pull out a massive come from behind victory is awesome. Games where a single draw will win or lose you the game are the reason I play trinity.

Anchor 3


What made you choose your deck? Did you enjoy piloting it?

I needed to top in order to defend my title in champs. Overall, yeah it was fun to play Swordsoul because the deck has a tool box of answers for the current metagame and can play going 2nd.

Would you make any changes to the list moving forward?

I would probably cut Mathmech Sigma since it never came up, and play more ways to counter pendulums.

How did your tournament experience go? Any notable moments?

My tournament experence was overall fine, the most standout moment from the ytc was Game 1 vs Bokki, turn 5 I had to pick apart his established board and it was so enjoyable

We’ve got another prize pool YTC next month, which is sure to bring more players and more competitive decks. What deck do you think is the favorite to win it all?

It would be when Wuh Train (a veteran player I think very highly of and respect) made a meme about a moment we had in a casual game. It just made me feel acknowledged as a player (at the time I was only a few months into the format) and showed me that the community does value its new players.

Anchor 4
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