November 2020
Top 4:

What made you choose this deck for the tournament, and what were your tech choices?
I started playing Magic the Gathering recently and a content creator named Saffron Olive often plays decks with the mentality of have fun keep drawing card and sometimes you happen to win. I tried to apply that to a yugioh deck. (If you look closely almost half of my card have the words draw a card)
Would you make any changes to the deck?
The Noble Knight package was a bit weaker than I expected and it could probably be taken out for something better but, the deck is probably fine as it is. Also I would add Pot of Duality because it would help smooth out the draws of the deck and it digs deeper into the deck for good draw cards.
How did your matchups throughout Swiss and Top 4 go?
I would say that my match-ups were pretty fair throughout the tournament. Even though I 2-0-ed him both times, Yugitom on True Draco was very scary. Diagram just spyrals out of control if you let it stay on the field and my deck sometimes durdles. Something that I worried about was that I played draw cards like Pot of Avarice and Pot of Dictomy which can be stopped by graveyard hate but, I was never blown out.
Do you have a favorite play of the tournament?
My favorite play of the tournament was Game 1 against Cinosrepus. He had 100 over lethal and I had no way to stop him. He then blind MSTs my set Soul Servant. I chain Soul Servant to stack Palladium Oracle Mahad on top of my deck then on the resolution I got to summon Abominable Unchained Soul which could then pop something. Then I had lethal next turn cause I top deck the stacked Mahad who is 5k cause my opponent has a Dark monster.
With the Genesis Impact Supplemental Banlist finished, do you think an Emergency Banlist is needed? If so, what cards would you like to see banned or restricted?
The Genesis Impact Banlist took care of all the super scary cards and there are no current decks that seem oppressive enough that an emergency banlist is needed.

What made you choose this deck for the tournament, and what were your tech choices?
There once was a man named Adusted Gold Roger, who was Supreme King of the Pirates. He had fame, power, and wealth beyond your wildest dreams. Before they hung him from the gallows, these were the final words he said: "My fortune is yours for the taking, but you'll have to find it first. I left everything I own in One Piece..." Ever since, pirates from all over the world set sail for the Grand Line, searching for One Piece; The treasure that would make their dreams come true!
This cup I played HERO Plunder, which is a deck that really probably shouldn't work, but takes advantage of HERO's advantage for discard costs and foolishes, as well as being able to spit out Absolute Zero and Masked HERO Acid for big tempo swings. Oh also Moerk banishes are broken. The main "tech" of this deck that inspired the deck was the Evil HEROES, initially I was running a much larger package, but it eventually boiled down to 3 cards, Sinister Necrom, Adusted Gold, and Evil Mind. Necrom Summons Adusted for a R4 extender off any foolish, including vyon, and if you do draw it it becomes an upstart goblin as long as you can get a fiend on field, which many generic Extra Deck cards, including Knightmares and Exciton Knight are.
Would you make any changes to the deck?
The changes I'll make to my deck are the inclusion of a WATER Hero, either Ice Edge or Bubbleman, not sure yet, but it did come up that I needed a WATER Hero to search for ab0 or Acid. There are a couple other tech choices I'm playing with right now, but that's the only one I am certain of. Oh also Brotaur bad.
How did your matchups throughout Swiss and Top 4 go?
My matchups were more or less skin of my teeth, nearly all of them could have went either way, Especially my matches with Izanagi, which I really think I lucked out of both times, barely winning the first match, and drawing god hand blowouts the second.
Do you have a favorite play of the tournament?
My favorite plays of the tournament were the times I was able to mask change Absolute Zero in to Acid. The deck can do this surprisingly frequently, I think I pulled it off twice this cup.
With the Genesis Impact Supplemental Banlist finished, do you think an Emergency Banlist is needed? If so, what cards would you like to see banned or restricted?
I don't think any emergency hits are needed, and am generally against them. People have been calling for emergency changes way to often lately, and are losing the meaning of "emergency." Even centralized metagames can be very fun.

What made you choose this deck for the tournament, and what were your tech choices?
I played spellcasters because I've been saying I'd play them once the Charmer support came out since I read the charmer support. I guess Luna is a tech choice, so that.
Would you make any changes to the deck?
Going to have to without Judgment, probably add some more stun cards.
How did your matchups throughout Swiss and Top 4 go?
Went well but Upstart and DMoC are awful cards in exactly my deck.
Do you have a favorite play of the tournament?
Topdecking Judgment to win. Fun times.
With the Genesis Impact Supplemental Banlist finished, do you think an Emergency Banlist is needed? If so, what cards would you like to see banned or restricted?
Not at present, but Dragonmaid, WC, and Ritual should be watched closely.

What made you choose this deck for the tournament, and what were your tech choices?
Diagram got unbanned, so I came out of my almost year-long slumber and played the only deck I possibly could - True Draco Kozmo.
My techs were Swords of Concealing Light and Herald of the Abyss. I was just scrolling through every single continuous spell on EDOPRO (for True Draco synergy) and I stumbled upon what I thought would be a good tech to bait out negates or get rid of monsters with protection. Herald is just a fantastic spot removal card that I realised was good from playing Duel Links. Truth is I never saw them in the tourney, so I have no clue if they're good in Trinity.
Would you make any changes to the deck?
Norito is an obvious one because I can't read. I thought Waterfall of Dragon Souls would be more helpful but I basically always sided it out because it's so slow and it doesn't really achieve much. I wish I could get rid of Chicken Game but it's a necessary evil. Everything else was great and I loved playing this deck.
How did your matchups throughout Swiss and Top 4 go?
I only lost to Wuh in the whole thing - at the start of swiss and the start of top 4 - so I'd like to think I did pretty well. I'm not mad about bombing against Wuh because I haven't played the TCG in ages and I could not be bothered to brush up on what any of the new cards did. Also Wuh's good. Seriously tho, what even is a dogmatejatika?
Do you have a favorite play of the tournament?
Basically any time I popped a ship with Diagram on turn 1.
With the Genesis Impact Supplemental Banlist finished, do you think an Emergency Banlist is needed? If so, what cards would you like to see banned or restricted?
I think we should unban Dark Destroyer tbh