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November 2022

Top 4:


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Anchor 1


What made you choose your deck?

When I was testing all of the decks ahead of the tournament, I realized that Ghoti were much stronger than they seemed on paper. I’ve read a lot about how new decks apparently aren’t viable, or that synchro strategies aren’t good at Trinity, so I wanted to show that that was silly. In testing, Ghoti was crushing my Vendread deck, which was the deck I was next most considering playing, so it wasn’t too hard of a choice.

What were some tech choices you made?

I was the one who figured out that the Blackwing package was good here, so I guess those were my main “techs.” The once card Arionpos is incredible in Ghoti and makes it relatively consistently able to achieve insane boards.

Would you make any changes to the list moving forward?

I should have played Stealth Kragen Spawn in the main. It’s an auto win against any WATER decks and there’s no reason to have to wait for game 2 to start taking advantage of that.

Other than that the list looks pretty clean to me. I had a lot of testing games so I had plenty of time to refine it. The Blackwing trap probably could just be another generic staple trap, but besides that I wouldn’t touch the main.

How did your tournament experience go? Any notable moments?

I had a lot of consequential Ghoti of the Deep Beyond nukes that won me the game which was fun. I won all my matches besides the two I played against Sparky. Ghoti seem to be a very matchup dependent deck and can do very little to decks that can interrupt their synchro chain.

Which Yugitubers/YouTubers do you watch and why?

None. For a while I was watching Cimo and MBT play history of Yugioh which I enjoyed.

What is is a "bad" card that you will always try to play?

I generally try to make my YTC lists super try hard, I never play anything that I don’t think is optimal. The only thing that comes to mind is that I love to play Magical Hats in decks that synergize with it, which I guess is a traditionally “bad” card. That said, I never play it if I don’t think it will be super strong.

Anchor 2


What made you choose your deck? What were some tech choices you made?

Because I like flip, and I thought investing on some ritual stuff would make for some cool tech moments as well as showcase that Flip has a multitude of different play styles, even if 1 of them is immediately getting hit now…

Would you make any changes to the list moving forward?

Well, if Tarotreith doesn’t get hit, then I would reduce the decklist to 40-45 and change ratios to give stronger removal options. If she does get hit, then I would simply remove all the ritual stuff and bring the deck back to previous iterations of a lot of backrow and triple Succession.

How did your tournament experience go? Any notable moments?

Aside from opening the crack combo vs Sonic, nothing too particularly interesting. The deck functioned as expected, and lost exactly how I expected.

Which Yugitubers/YouTubers do you watch and why?

None. Too busy watching Evangelion/JJBA memes.

What is is a "bad" card that you will always try to play?

Number 29: Mannequin Cat is by far my favorite card in terms of theoretical viability, yet it continuously underperforms due to everytime I make it, my opponent has removal spells.

Anchor 3


What made you choose your deck? What were some tech choices you made?

I thought Ghoti were going to be strong. I decided to play a big ST removal lineup with Twin, Cosmic and Eccentrick in 45 because if your main play resolves you gain a lot of advantage, so making sure it could went through was important.

Would you make any changes to the list moving forward?

I think I would drop the Blackwing engine. Even if powerful, I felt it was too bricky.

How did your tournament experience go? Any notable moments?

It was mostly fine. A lot of back and forth games and a few one-sided ones. The most notable moment was when I got paired against Folo last round and I thought I woud lose, as I always do vs Pendulum, but managed to win the match in the end.

Which Yugitubers/YouTubers do you watch and why?

Only MBT and Davideldezaragoza for Yugitubers. Other (unrelated) YouTubers I watch are Veritasium and QuantumFracture.

What is is a "bad" card that you will always try to play?

Not a bad card on its own, but I really like Eccentrick as one of my preferred ST hate pieces, because it can double up as monster removal in some situations.

Anchor 4
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