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Winter Champs 2024

Top 4:


Roasting red rockets boost its blazing, bright-blast burners to liquified lava levels. Vanquisher of the Vanisher!


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What made you choose your deck? What are some plays your deck can make?

I chose this deck because fiend best deck as we all know fiend is the best deck without compare like two of top four being fiend that's got to mean something on a real note though I chose this because when I first saw the Chimera engine I was like you know what this actually looks pretty cool let's try the new illusion stuff and then I saw the topping deck list I think from the either December or January YTC I was like oh I missing these fiends cause for the majority of it I'll building that myself it's like Oh yeah this is a fiend this looks good in a fiend deck etc. but actually looking at Stephen’s deck list help me refine my deck more I'd say. I was actually going to run fire kings however I didn't like how some of their hands could just straight lose the game I mean every day cause them but with fire kings it felt a lot more frustrating cause I think it has one of the better grind games and with access to Garunix and Sacred Phoenix Nephthys for mini board nukes it has a lot but I wanted to try the Chimera engine which led to my decision to play the deck I did for the YTC. Some plays the deck can make is make fiends that's about it.

What were some tech choices you made? Would you make any changes to the list moving forward?

Some tech choices that I made when it came to that deck list would be the higher amount of beast monsters in the deck because most fiend decks playing chimera only ran the level 4 gazelle so by having extra copies and coatl that plus patch works and Poly can help you get into your fusions a lot more quickly. All this deck is missing is a good beast archetype that goes plus when sent to grave, maybe tri-brigade and have the level 6 fusion dump kitt to get to the tri-brigade engine

How did your deck handle the other pilots? Any notable moments?

I say my deck did well against the other decks in the champs it did very good against other decks due to its long grind game and decent recursive engine which let it beat a lot of the decks I faced against. The first deck played against was pendulum which is a nice game to ease into the tournament. Next I played against dark magician which is a very close game for me because in Game 2 my opponent had dark magician the dragon knight and eternal soul which is pretty hard to beat however I won that game due to the chimera boss monster which can attack multiple times doesn't destroy the thing its attacks reduces its attack to 0 and negates effects which allowed me to kill the link monster that my opponent had made. Another notable moment was my match against Ricape which really had me understand my deck making me feel like I gained a new level of power, a zenkai buff even because, it was my first time playing the mirror since he was playing Dark World Fiends. But overall I had a good run in the tournament and had a good match against all my opponents

What did you think of the new Chronicles Animation? Which part was your favorite?

I thought the chronicles animation was so cool as like the first Yu-Gi-Oh animation that wasn't Rush duel related and it showed off all the all those archetypes and all their lore I thought was so cool. My favourite part of it was definitely the six samurai part because when I first got to you go the first deck I played was 6 samurai so seeing all of them animated was really cool on the fight scene was actually so sick as well seeing it especially with all the Easter eggs as well in there for example it shows Kizan and Enishi turning into the six samurai councillor and the Grand Master of the six samurai I just those small details is what made me enjoy it as much as I did. Also melffys into Divine Arsenal AA-ZEUS - Sky Thunder was pretty funny and his stare down with Stellar Nemesis T-PHON - Doomsday Star who appeared out of a wormhole was so interesting to see, so it got me really hopeful for the future of Yu-Gi-Oh animation.

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What made you choose your deck? What are some plays your deck can make?

Same old same old, it was just the deck I was most comfortable with and was genuinely a top deck. For plays, check out my previous interviews, nothing new

What were some tech choices you made? Would you make any changes to the list moving forward?

I played the Diabellstar engine once again because it provides a way to discard stuff and is generally really strong offering a big body that's decently hard to out, removal and recycling. I also added Dustshoot as the half-point card of choice. For changes, I'd definitely add a Dark World Archives to the list so Snoww can search something that discards monsters that isn't Gates. Since Accession's ban, Snoww's search pool has been hindered. I'd also add a Knightmare Phoenix to the ED for more variety. Though none of this matters since the deck has been gutted by the latest list.

How did your deck handle the other pilots? Any notable moments?

The deck performed pretty well again. I lost to another fiend pile, one focused on Chimera and Labrynth, due to bricking, and I lost to Pend, also due to bricking. While the deck is really strong, it does have significant consistency issues.

What did you think of the new Chronicles Animation? Which part was your favorite?

I really liked it. It showcased the new Konami's studio's talents quite well and I hope it results in some actual lore anime. My favorite is probably the Ice Barrier one. Showing Trishula breaking out of its prison was really epic.

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